After recieving some positive feedback regarding yesterday's picture of the black chicken, I have decided to dedicate today's blog post to my friend, commonly known in Mbour as LE POULET NOIR (The Black Chicken). I met BC my first week in Senegal as he lives in the back courtyard of my host family, neighboring the family ram and sheep. Although he keeps primary residence outdoors, BC is impressively civilized. Waking up every day around 5:30 AM with the morning call to prayer, BC does his cockadoodledoo and spend the rest of the day exploring and exercising. By this, I mean he likes to run amuck in an dout of the house, sqwaking loudly and causing a commotion.
By week two, I knew I had a true friend in BC. I know, it sounds a little strange- how could I possibly conjure up a friendship out of our circumstances? At first, I took casual notive that BC liked to sit on the ourdoor window sill, looking into my room. Bit it could've just been a fluke that I was always in the room when he came to the window. Then, a few days later, I came home to find BC sleeping on my bed, seemingly waiting for me to come home, just like my pets back in the States. I had a sneaking suspicion BC wanted to be friends but up until this point, he had always seemed so shy when I tried to take pictures of him or talk to him; I couldn't figure this poulet out.
It'd been going along like this the past week or so but tonight, I got the ultimate confirmation of my budding friendship with BC. After being out most of the afternoon, the power came back to the house around 8:00 PM and I went to my room to plug in my computer, charge my ipod, that sort of thing, and as per usual, BC came to the window to hang out. No big deal but I figured I'd attempt another photo shoot with the guy. BC wasn't scared by the flash of the first photo so I decided now would be as good a time as any to make a bigger gesture. I reached out my right hand..BC remained still..and he let me pet his back and neck for minutes on end, hardly moving! With this demonstration of good faith, I realized BC finally trusted me and was ready to be the best of buds. I snapped a few more pictures and as I sit typing this post, BC is still hanging out in the same spot, chilling and listening to some music from my computer.
How happy I am to have finally found a friend in Mbour! And a good listener to boot! Luckily for BC, my host father said just this morning that he wasn't planning on eating him (at least from what I could gather) so it looks like I will be able to enjoy the company of le poulet noir for the rest of my stay here in Senegal. In the meantime, here's to my newfound friendship & countless cockadoodledoos to come!
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