I don't have a story regarding the orphanage today because unfortunately last night I was sick and had to stay home today to rest. First of all, I hope this is the only time I get sick while I'm here because it was miserable. Last night I didn't feel well- I think a combination of the heat, fatigue, new foods, and bumpy car rides. I didn't eat dinner and went to bed instead and took some upset stomach medicine. However, within five minutes of laying down I had to grab a plastic bag and was thowing up. To make matters worse, I realized the bag had a hole in it and was leaking all over my towel. I sent the two young girls that sleep in my room to get their mom and although she was reassuring and kind, I didn't have the right words in French to tell her I was sick and sorry and embarrassed and I am missing home more than ever right now. I wound up sleeping with a fan in my room and a couple more plastic bags which I had to use throughout the night. It sounds disgusting and it was to be honest and still this morning, I apologized to my host mom and tried to tell her I was very embarrassed but she was very kind to me and for that I am grateful. Today I felt better but I mostly slept the entire day and just tried to relax. The past 20-or-so hours have been challenging but I am glad to feel better now and get a chance to read my emails and talk with my family. I miss everyone terribly.
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