Today I worked in La Grande Section, which encompasses about 20 two-year-olds and one in particular named Ousmane. When I arrived this morning, Ousmane seemed to immediately attach himself to me, making the Maternal Assistants mutter “toubab” to each other and glare at me. In any case, Ousmane was adorable and he sat on my lap for pretty much the entire day, doing nothing but looking at the other kids and sleeping occasionally.
Now, for reference, I hope you have all heard (or heard of) the Dane Cook CD where he jokes that he wants to name his future children Megatron, Skeletor, and then have a child just named “RRRRRRR,” pronounced like a tongue roll, like when you roll your R’s in Spanish. If you haven’t heard this joke, please look it up because 1.) It’s funny and 2.) It completes the story.
When it came time for Ousmane to nap in his crib, he was obviously upset. He didn’t even want to be held by the Maternal Assistants- only the toubab. But I had to go eat lunch and clean up and I put him in his crib anyways and he started crying a little and kinda sorta wailing like babies do but then he would just cry and go “RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!” with his tongue. At that moment, all I could think of was the Dane Cook skit (“Come here, RRRRR! Don’t you do that RRRR!”) and even though I wanted to keep hanging out with Ousmane, the noise he was making to show me he was upset- it was hilarious. Really, imagine trying not to upset the poor thing by putting him in his crib but then thinking his being upset was pretty much an epic allusion. Thank you for the joke, Dane Cook- and for the funniest thing that happened to me today.
The front of my house, where we sat when the power went out last night
(Yes, power outages are common apparently)
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